Custom fitting refrigerated showcases | Interior commercial design

Custom fitting refrigerated showcases | Interior commercial design

Custom fitting refrigerated showcases | Interior commercial design

Constructive morphology

AUGUSTA refrigerated showcases are built on a structural base that works as a bond for all the other elements.

This base called Sandwich, has an external perimeter edge made of polyester, an iron inner structure and an inner heart of polyurethane that works for the thermal isolation.

On the “sandwich” all the components that give the final shape to the refrigerated showcases custom fitting are fixed.



Regarding the external part, the product exhibition area, it is fixed with a screw of stainless steel on different ways of systems of iron outlines.

This is the task of fastening the front windows, offering a perfect opening kinematics for everyday use.

Consequently for all the activities: opening, glasses closure, product charge, product withdrawal and cleaning.


Our latest project


Retail | Design | Showcase | Ripening cabinet | cold | illumination

Year: 2022
Location:  Sitges / Barcelona

Undoubtedly,  Mauricio Butcher is the gourmet store of reference in Sitges whose history begins in 1987 as a family establishment, currently formed by the patriarch Mauricio and his two daughters: Silvia and Sonia.

Mauricio Butcher makes an analysis of the current market and corroborates that it is not necessary to wait for the results curve to go down to carry out a change in their business, concluding that if they want to remain the reference of the town they must take a step towards modernization and innovation of their establishment.

This successful bet goes through the comprehensive reform of one of its stores (Camí de la Fita, 5) and the acquisition of a spectacular AUGUSTA showcase of 9 m. and a custom-made ripening cabinet fully customized in accordance with the decorative design.

The AUGUSTA showcase, unlike other showcases on the market, allows to optimize to the millimeter the quality of the cold in the entire display area, to which must be added the fact that it is not necessary to wrap the product with transparent film, which reduces the operating costs of the operator and eliminates the carbon footprint produced by the use of these plastics. In addition, the LED lighting systems used are the most versatile, have less consumption and generate less heat, which translates into an enormous help to the protection of the environment (reduction of CO2 emissions).

Currently, Mauricio Butcher is a consolidated company, with excellent family treatment towards its customers and with a wide variety of quality products displayed in the best best custom-made showcase that exists, both in terms of refrigeration and technology.



Our services


Calculation Refrig. Installation
Studies on energy efficiency
Implementation of Refrigeration Installation


Studies on lights
Commercial image design
Project management


Commercial design
Shopping area traceability
Working area traceability

Our projects

Refrigerated showcases custom fitting for butchers, delicatessen and pastries

Refrigerated AUGUSTA showcases custom fitting can be produced on a cold level in two different ways: “static” or “forced air” . On a constructive level there are two more shapes: complete shape (with steel feet) and “suspended shape” (needs to be built on the place of a small construction site wall).

The main constructive characteristic of the refrigerated AUGUSTA showcases is the custom fitting manufacturing. For this reason, there is a total adaptability to the place morphology.Consequently, we offer commercial development without the importance of the existing physical elements such as: columns, corners, since they would influence in another way the machineries disposal


Custom Showcases

Custom fitting refrigerated Augusta showcases can be produced on a cold level in two different ways: “static” or “forced air”. On a constructive level there are two more shapes:  “complete shape” (with steel feet) and “suspended shape” (needs to be built on the place of a small construction site wall).

The main constructive characteristic of the refrigerated AUGUSTA showcases is the custom fitting manufacturing. For this reason, there is a total adaptability to the place morphology. Consequently, we offer commercial development without the importance of the existing physical elements such as: columns, corners, since they would influence in another way the machineries disposal.

There are different advantages of those constructive characteristics. It is especially relevant to increase the commercial “virtues” of the edible product offered. Since we show on a unique visual line all the scale “birds, butchers, delicatessen, cheese” or “sweets, pastries”, there are no visual leaps that may confuse the final consumer.

Custom fitting refrigerated Augusta showcases for butchers, delicatessen and pastries

AUGUSTA refrigerated showcases are built on a structural base that works as a bond for all the other elements. This base called Sandwich, has an external perimeter edge made of polyester, an iron inner structure  and an inner heart of polyurethane that works for the thermal isolation. On the Sandwich all the components that give the final shape to the refrigerated showcases custom fitting are fixed.

We run from programmed obsolescence. When the operator thinks about changing the refrigerated showcase, it will appear brand new.

Regarding the external part, the product exhibition area, it is fixed with a screw of stainless steel on different ways of systems of iron outlines. This is the task of fastening the front windows, offering a perfect opening kinematics for everyday use. Consequently for all the activities: opening, glasses closure, product charge, product withdrawal and cleaning.

Regarding the inner part, the Sandwich allows to fix the elements such as the evaporator, whose task is the cold production as well as the aluminum screens that cover it.

Regarding the upper part, the Sandwich allows to support, place, and join the work surface. Consequently the area where the operator puts the food is made of stone, granite, silestone or neolith.


Our Catalog

Los cristales de las Vitrinas

Los cristales de las vitrinas AUGUSTA son tratados térmicamente para ofrecer una mayor fortaleza en su uso diario.

New Augusta Showcase. official presentation at IFEMA.

Everybody has been waiting for it but finally it is done, the official presentation of the new Augusta showcase. The presentation took place on the incomparable frame of Meat Attraction, the exhibition about the meat sector, that was made inside the IFEMA (Madrid). It...


Our Location

Augusta showcases

Main offices:

Calle Adolfo Perez Esquivel nº 86
28232 Las Rozas MADRID · Tel. 91 755 79 28

Augusta showcases


Calle Eduard Maristany, 370, nave 19
08918 Badalona · Barcelona · Tel. 93 337 37 93

Oficinas Centrales:

Calle Adolfo Perez Esquivel,86
28232 Las Rozas MADRID
Teléfono 91 755 79 28


Calle Urquinaona, 84
08222 Terrassa BARCELONA
Teléfono 93 337 37 93

Contact us

9 + 13 =

Main Offices

Calle Adolfo Perez Esquivel nº 86
(Parque Empresarial)

28232 Las Rozas MADRID


From Monday to Friday From
8: 00h.
at 6:00 p.m.

Call us

Main offices
+34 91 755 79 28

+93 337 37 93

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On AUGUSTA CATALOGUE you will be able to find different types of showcases already installed at each one of our clients’ spaces and to check how their design fits well for any need.

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