Retail | Design | Showcase | Ripening cabinet | cold | illumination
Year: 2022
Location: León

Action that a small family business takes when it takes a first step forward in order to increase the sales of its business.

The Panizo family (Carnicería Tomás) acquires a place right next to their business since they are limited to grow due to space.

The new premises have a mega-structure in the center and they do not know how to undertake the reform, this is when AUGUSTA Showcases intervenes that, thanks to custom manufacturing, integrate the columns inside the showcase itself, providing a solution and viability to the project that you we show.

Carnicería Tomás has a 10-metre custom-made display case, a 1.55-metre self-service display case, as well as a trapezoidal-shaped aging refrigeration cabinet.

Contacte con nosotros

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Oficinas Centrales

Calle Adolfo Perez Esquivel nº 86 (Parque Empresarial)

28232 Las Rozas MADRID


De Lunes a Viernes De 8:00h. a 18:00h.


+34 91 755 79 28

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