Delicatessen LAS VIANDAS de la SIERRA

Retail | Design | Showcase | Ripening cabinet | Cold
Year: 2022
Location: Seville / Andalusia

Viandas de la Sierra is the reflection of a small local Sevillian company whose natural growth is transformed into a larger business thanks to the professionalism and good work of the team that makes it up.

In search of the maximum use of commercial space, AUGUSTA Vitrinas executes a project that takes into account the difficulty of transit and customer traceability to ensure that all products are visible and accessible to the public.

Viandas de la Sierra has two custom-made AUGUSTA showcases: one for butchers measuring 3.80 m and another for delicatessen measuring 4.50 m, both arranged and designed taking into account the structural characteristics of the premises.

The refrigeration equipment is complemented by a spectacular 2.70 m high ripening cabinet.

Without forgetting at any time that it is a business specialized in cutting ham, custom furniture is manufactured for the exhibition of vacuum-packed packs so that while traveling through the premises they are easily accessible for free purchase.

This growth in physical space means an expansion at the product level, both at the meat level and at the level of the world of wine bars… A project that is already underway and that promises great success!

Contacte con nosotros

8 + 15 =

Oficinas Centrales

(Parque Empresarial)

28232 Las Rozas MADRID


De Lunes a Viernes De 8:00h. a 18:00h.


+34 91 755 79 28

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